Vampire Lifting Düsseldorf - PRP - autologous blood therapy

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4 - 6 times with an interval of 4 weeks
Hairy head of hair, face, genital area
Light, under local anesthesia
Socially acceptable
Duration of effect
Approx. 18 months, refresh every 6 months
From € 250 per session plus VAT.

With Vampire Lifting against hair loss

Do you suffer from hair loss and can't find a way to regrow your hair? Do you dream of thick, full hair but don't know what to do about the progressive hair loss? Hair loss can have very different causes: Whether familial or due to advanced age, stress-related or as a result of illness, infections or medication - people who suffer from hair loss often also suffer psychologically from the thinning hair on their head. When the receding hairline gets bigger and bigger or the hair falls out in clumps, many sufferers want nothing more than to have full, thick hair again. With a vampire lift, also known as PRP, we offer you a highly effective treatment against hair loss. Vampire lifting Düsseldorf is suitable for both men and women. It starts where the cause of hair loss lies and ensures thicker, fuller, regrowing hair.

What is vampire lifting?

Vampire lifting is a simple yet effective procedure to effectively counteract hair loss. In a vampire lift, blood is first taken from the vein. This is then processed using a special procedure. The resulting autologous blood is then injected into the affected areas. The extremely fine needles that we use in autologous blood therapy only penetrate the uppermost layers of the skin. This stimulus triggers the body's own repair mechanism, which begins to close the tiny puncture channels. This allows the skin to begin the immediate formation of new collagen. Collagen is a protein that makes up around a third of the proteins in the human body. In the skin, it therefore serves as a kind of binding agent that ensures that hair growth is immediately stimulated. Even bald patches on the head that have been severely affected by hair loss can be effectively treated with a PRP vampire lift.

How effective is vampire lifting against hair loss?

Vampire lifting is also known as PRP, autologous blood therapy or Dracula therapy. Regardless of what this special procedure is called, the success of a vampire lift is convincing, as it is visible after a short time. It stimulates hair growth and is therefore ideal for combating hair loss. As vampire lifting works exclusively with the body's own ingredients, the result is as natural as it is effective. By injecting directly under the scalp, the scalp begins to repair the injection site immediately. New, strong cells are formed, which in turn develop into hair in the hair bulb before they are pushed out of the scalp.

Who is autologous blood therapy in Düsseldorf suitable for?

PRP treatment in Düsseldorf has various areas of application: In addition to combating wrinkles, it can be used in the area of intimate surgery as well as against hair loss. A vampire lift is therefore particularly suitable for people who want a more youthful appearance, more volume and elasticity in the skin and fuller hair. Wrinkle reduction with the help of autologous blood therapy is suitable for those who want to effectively treat their wrinkles or sagging skin areas. The vampire lift can be applied to various areas of the skin: the neck, décolleté and cheeks, the hands, to effectively remove dark circles under the eyes or to combat cellulite and tighten the connective tissue on the thighs.

Effective PRP treatment in Düsseldorf for full hair and a youthful appearance

  • Combat hair loss: Do you suffer from hair loss and want to have strong hair again? Vampire Lifting in Düsseldorf offers a highly effective PRP treatment against hair loss for men and women.
  • Procedure at a glance: In this method, the patient's own blood is taken, processed and injected specifically into affected areas of skin. Fine needles stimulate the skin to produce collagen, which stimulates hair growth.
  • Visible results: The results of autologous blood therapy are quickly visible. The injection of the body's own substances promotes the growth of strong hair cells, which sprout from the scalp and enable natural hair growth.
  • Wide range of applications: PRP treatment is not only effective against hair loss, but can also reduce wrinkles, improve skin elasticity and be used in intimate surgery. Different areas of skin such as the neck, cheeks, hands and thighs can be treated.
  • Advice and information: If you would like to find out more about this innovative treatment, we cordially invite you to a detailed consultation. Our experts will be happy to answer any questions you may have about this effective method.

Would you like more information about PRP treatment in Düsseldorf?

Then you are welcome to arrange a detailed consultation on the subject of vampire lifting. We will be happy to answer all your questions about vampire lifting.

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Frequently asked questions

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Before and after pictures after PRP / autologous blood therapy / a vampire lift

We would like to present you with before and after pictures after a PRP / autologous blood therapy / a vampire lift. Unfortunately, the presentation of before and after pictures is prohibited according to § 11 para. 1 sentence 3 of the German Drug Advertising Act (HWG). We invite you to visit our channels on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook for more insights and updates.


What customers say

"A doctor with a 100% feel-good factor! I am super satisfied with the consultation and execution. I feel like I'm in good hands at all times, receive competent advice and get a very individual experience from Dr. Lukyanova. The treatment is always on a very pleasant personal level, which I really like."
Florian B.
"I immediately felt at ease during my consultation. Dr. Lukyanova listened patiently to my questions and explained everything in detail. She advised against the procedure as the current circumstances were not ideal. I won't be having it for the time being. I really appreciate her honest opinion and will consult her again if necessary."
Maike H.
"I had had bad experiences in the past. But I immediately felt comfortable with Frau Doktor. Despite the 500km journey, it was worth it. She gave me back my self-confidence and self-assurance. Seek professional help, preferably from her. I'm looking forward to my next visit!"
Vikica D.
"I discovered Doctor Anna's practice through Instagram. They were looking for participants for a livestream. I signed up and was allowed to come to Düsseldorf to have my face naturally filled. The welcome and the team were warm. After a brief explanation, the short treatment began. I wanted a natural result, which Anna achieved perfectly. The punctures were bearable and I feel comfortable. My follow-up appointment is coming up soon. Thanks to Anna and the team."
Marco L.
"4 months after my upper eyelid lift, I am delighted with the result. Dr. Anna Lukyanova is competent and very nice. I highly recommend her and the clinic. Thank you, Dr. Lukyanova, for the good care."
Anja R.
"We had a great experience with Dr. Anna Lukyanova, a super nice and competent team. A beautiful result without pain and all-round care. You are in good hands with Dr. Anna Lukyanova. My boyfriend and I are more than satisfied with the results! We will be back!"
Sezan T.
"I am overjoyed to have found Dr. in this practice. The team is extremely professional and empathetic. After a confidential consultation, she performed an excellent browlift operation. I am very impressed by her skill. The care before and after the surgery is first class, I feel comfortable and the results are fantastic. For me, she is the top beauty practice in Düsseldorf."
Pelin J.
"I am very satisfied, I got a breast lift with implants. What can I say, I was absolutely thrilled right from the consultation. Before the operation and after the operation I was always able to ask questions and everything was answered immediately. The result is just great, I am 100% satisfied."
Cindy E.

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