Plastic surgery - Liposuction of body parts

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Surgical, outpatient under local anesthesia / inpatient under general anesthesia - 1 session
Chin, upper arms, stomach, back, hips, love handles, thighs, lower legs, bottom
Socially acceptable
After approx. 1 week, 6 weeks postoperative convalescence, compression garment
Duration of effect
For life with the right lifestyle
From € 2,500 plus VAT if applicable

Welcome to Naturl - your beauty clinic in Düsseldorf

Do you feel uncomfortable with your stomach or do you think your thighs are too big? Would you like a slim silhouette without those stubborn fat deposits that just won't go away despite a healthy diet and regular exercise? Liposuction is an effective method of body contouring that makes it possible to remove unwanted fat deposits and harmonize body proportions. At our beauty clinic in Düsseldorf, we specialize in liposuction and use the latest technologies and procedures to help you achieve your aesthetic goals safely and effectively. We are committed not only to helping you achieve a new body image, but also to ensuring that your experience with us is as beautiful as possible. We look forward to getting to know you!

Information about liposuction

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure in which excess fat cells are permanently removed from various areas of the body. The aim of the procedure is to improve body contours and create a harmonious body shape. Liposuction is suitable for people who are unable to get rid of stubborn fat deposits despite exercise and a healthy diet. However, it is not a substitute for weight loss or a healthy lifestyle.

For which parts of the body is liposuction suitable?

We perform liposuction on different parts of the body. Depending on where your individual “problem area” is located, we can use liposuction to remove the desired amount of fat cells. Our range of services covers typical areas such as the stomach, legs, hips, waist and buttocks, but also specific regions such as the upper and lower arms, chin and back. In order to achieve optimal results, we combine various plastic and aesthetic surgery techniques, such as liposuction in conjunction with skin tightening, as required. As every person is unique, we place great importance on understanding your personal aesthetic goals and developing a personalized treatment goal that meets your well-being and expectations.

When is liposuction advisable?

There are various reasons and occasions why people opt for liposuction. Here are some of the most common:

  1. Stubborn fat deposits: Despite regular exercise and a healthy diet, certain pockets of fat can persist on the abdomen, hips, thighs or other areas of the body.
  2. Improving body contours and proportions: The desire to specifically improve body shape and achieve a more harmonious silhouette, especially when pronounced fat deposits disrupt the body image.
  3. After significant weight loss: The desire to remove excess fat deposits in specific areas after a major weight loss in order to achieve an overall harmonious body image.
  4. Recovery after pregnancy: The desire for many women to regain their original body shape after pregnancy. In this case, liposuction is often part of a mommy makeover.
  5. Combination with other aesthetic procedures: Combining liposuction with other plastic surgery procedures, such as a tummy tuck, to achieve a more comprehensive aesthetic result. Liposuction is also essential for breast augmentation with autologous fat, as it provides the required fat, which is injected into the breast after appropriate preparation.

It is important to have a thorough consultation with a qualified specialist to ensure that the liposuction meets your individual needs and expectations. We will be happy to advise you on this.

Liposuction treatment procedure

How does liposuction work?


In the first phase, you will have a detailed consultation with your specialist Dr. Anna Lukyanova at our private clinic in Düsseldorf. We will discuss your wishes and expectations and talk about the various plastic and aesthetic surgery options to help you understand what is possible. Sometimes, for example, a combination of liposuction and a tightening procedure makes sense in order to achieve the desired effect. It is important to us that we get to know you as a person, your needs, your current state of health and your individual anatomy. Together we will create a customized treatment plan for you, answer your questions, talk about possible risks and the procedure.


Before the procedure, you will receive detailed preparation instructions. This includes a thorough examination to ensure that you are suitable for liposuction. If necessary, blood tests or other diagnostic measures will be carried out. We will ask you to refrain from taking certain medications that could thin the blood before the procedure and give you instructions on diet and hydration on the day of the procedure.

The operation

Depending on the extent of the procedure and your personal preferences, liposuction is performed either as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia or as an inpatient procedure under general anesthesia at our beauty clinic in Düsseldorf. For liposuction, we make small, precise incisions in the skin and insert a thin cannula to gently suction out excess fatty tissue. We use modern techniques and gentle procedures to achieve the best results for you. After the procedure, you will be monitored for a short time before you can go home.


It is normal to experience swelling, bruising and slight pain after the operation, but this will subside over the following days and weeks. You will be able to socialize again after about 1 week. However, we recommend that you take extra care during the 6-week recovery phase - depending on the area of the body affected - and wear special compression garments to support healing and shape the new contours. We monitor the healing process at regular check-ups. A healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise will help you to maintain the results achieved in the long term.

Are there any scars after liposuction?

Liposuction inevitably results in scars, but these are usually fine and barely visible, especially if they are placed in the slip zone. These scars usually develop into thin, white lines that are not disturbing. The suture on the belly button also usually fades after a few months, allowing you to show off your new, taut body with almost no scarring.For larger excess skin or severely sagging skin, a vertical tightening may also be necessary, creating a vertical scar. This technique is also ideal for people who have already had liposuction, as the existing scar can be reused without creating a new one.

Experiences with liposuction

Of course, experiences with liposuction vary from person to person. We can only report on the experiences of patients at our practice in Düsseldorf, which we are very pleased to say are generally very positive. Many report increased self-confidence and an improved quality of life thanks to a more positive body image. The aesthetic results, minimal scars and professional care are particularly appreciated. Our patients repeatedly emphasize that they felt very comfortable and understood by us from the first consultation to aftercare. We are particularly pleased about this, because at Naturl we attach great importance to ensuring that every procedure is not only safe and effective, but also maximizes the well-being and satisfaction of our patients.

Many of our patients opt for liposuction as part of a mommy makeover after one or more pregnancies, in combination with breast augmentation with autologous fat and in combination with a tummy tuck. With these combination procedures, the enthusiasm is often even greater, as not just one area of the body, but the entire body image is suddenly much more aesthetic and harmonious.

Our expertise

Why should you choose Naturl for your liposuction?

We always focus on people and their individual wishes and ideas of beauty - not the procedure itself. Our aim is for you to feel completely comfortable and beautiful after your aesthetic and plastic surgery. That is why we offer you a detailed and personal consultation, during which we get to know your ideas and wishes.

Our team consists of experienced and dedicated doctors and assistants who are fully committed to the personal beauty of our patients. Every procedure is an exciting challenge for us and at the same time a motivation to always do our best to make your dream come true. That is why each of our cosmetic surgery procedures is a matter close to our hearts. Since Naturl was founded in Düsseldorf, we have performed over 1,000 operations. We have extensive experience and offer the highest medical standards as well as a deep understanding of your individual needs and goals. We look forward to getting to know you!

What are the benefits of liposuction at Naturl?

  • Beautiful, harmonious body contours: Achieve aesthetically pleasing and natural body shapes that harmoniously emphasize your silhouette.
  • New self-confidence and a natural look: Our liposuction helps you to achieve a self-confident appearance and a positive body image.
  • Personalized care: We provide each patient with individual and personalized care to ensure that all wishes and needs are taken into account.
  • Professional expertise and modern technologies: With over 1,000 successfully performed operations, we have extensive experience. Our experienced team uses the latest techniques and gentle procedures to achieve the best results.
  • Safe and effective procedures: We work to the highest medical standards to ensure your safety and satisfaction.
  • All-round service with advice: We offer comprehensive, transparent advice and accompany you from the initial information to full recovery.
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Frequently asked questions

Is liposuction right for me?

If you have stubborn fat deposits despite diet and exercise, liposuction could be an option for you. Whether this procedure is suitable for you depends on your individual circumstances, expectations and health conditions. Ideal candidates should have a stable body weight and be in good overall health. During a personal consultation at our beauty clinic in Düsseldorf, we can find out together whether liposuction meets your expectations and needs.

Can liposuction be combined with a lift?

Yes, liposuction is often combined with a tightening procedure. This combination is particularly beneficial when excess skin needs to be tightened after the removal of fatty tissue in order to achieve a smooth and firm appearance. Such combined procedures allow both fat deposits to be removed and skin contours to be improved, leading to an overall more harmonious result. We will be happy to advise you on this.

At what age is liposuction possible?

Liposuction is usually performed when the body is fully developed, which is typically in early to middle adulthood. Doctors often recommend that patients are at least 18 years old before considering this procedure. It is important that the body is stable and no major weight fluctuations are expected, as these could affect the result. Ultimately, the decision is individual and should be made after a detailed consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. They will be able to assess your specific circumstances and needs. We will be happy to provide you with a personal consultation.

Is pregnancy still possible after abdominal liposuction?

Yes, pregnancy is possible even after abdominal liposuction. Liposuction does not affect your ability to become pregnant. However, pregnancy can change the results of liposuction, as body weight and skin elasticity can change during pregnancy. It is therefore advisable to discuss family planning during your consultation in order to achieve the best possible results.

How long do the results of liposuction last?

The results of liposuction are usually permanent, as the removed fat cells do not grow back. However, to maintain the result in the long term, it is important to maintain a stable weight and lead a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Major weight fluctuations can affect the remaining fat cells and change the appearance. It is also important to note that natural ageing processes, such as the sagging of connective tissue, cannot be stopped by liposuction.

What are the risks of liposuction?

As with any surgical procedure, there are certain risks associated with liposuction. Possible complications include infection, bleeding, swelling, bruising and scarring. In rare cases, uneven contours, skin changes or thrombosis may occur. It is important that you seek advice and treatment from an experienced specialist in order to minimize these risks and achieve the best results. Detailed information and aftercare also help to avoid complications. We will of course discuss possible risks with you in detail.

What does liposuction cost?

The cost of liposuction at our clinic usually starts at around 2,500 euros, plus VAT if applicable. The final price may vary as it depends on the specific needs and extent of the treatment, particularly the areas of the body affected. We tailor each operation to the individual patient to ensure that each treatment is precisely tailored to the needs of our patients and meets his or her requirements. We will be happy to clarify the details with you in a personal consultation.

Will my health insurance cover the costs of my treatment?

This depends on the type of treatment and the conditions of your health insurance. Some health insurance companies cover the costs of treatments under certain conditions, especially if there are medical reasons. Unfortunately, purely cosmetic treatments are often not covered. We advise our patients to seek thorough advice before making their decision and also to check the possibilities of having the costs covered by their insurance.

How can I finance my treatment?

At our practice in Düsseldorf, we offer you flexible financing options for your treatment. Thanks to our partnerships with specialized financial service providers such as Credit4Beauty and medkred, you can pay the cost of your treatment in convenient instalments. These loans are specifically designed for plastic and aesthetic procedures to ease the financial burden, and we also recommend taking out follow-up cost insurance. This insurance can be extremely useful if additional treatments or corrections become necessary after the procedure.

Our team will be happy to provide you with comprehensive advice on the various financing options and find the right solution for your needs.

Before and after pictures of liposuction

We would like to present you with before and after pictures of liposuction procedures. Unfortunately, the presentation of before and after pictures is prohibited according to § 11 para. 1 sentence 3 of the German Drug Advertising Act (HWG). We invite you to visit our channels on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook for more insights and updates.


What customers say

"A doctor with a 100% feel-good factor! I am super satisfied with the consultation and execution. I feel like I'm in good hands at all times, receive competent advice and get a very individual experience from Dr. Lukyanova. The treatment is always on a very pleasant personal level, which I really like."
Florian B.
"I immediately felt at ease during my consultation. Dr. Lukyanova listened patiently to my questions and explained everything in detail. She advised against the procedure as the current circumstances were not ideal. I won't be having it for the time being. I really appreciate her honest opinion and will consult her again if necessary."
Maike H.
"I had had bad experiences in the past. But I immediately felt comfortable with Frau Doktor. Despite the 500km journey, it was worth it. She gave me back my self-confidence and self-assurance. Seek professional help, preferably from her. I'm looking forward to my next visit!"
Vikica D.
"I discovered Doctor Anna's practice through Instagram. They were looking for participants for a livestream. I signed up and was allowed to come to Düsseldorf to have my face naturally filled. The welcome and the team were warm. After a brief explanation, the short treatment began. I wanted a natural result, which Anna achieved perfectly. The punctures were bearable and I feel comfortable. My follow-up appointment is coming up soon. Thanks to Anna and the team."
Marco L.
"4 months after my upper eyelid lift, I am delighted with the result. Dr. Anna Lukyanova is competent and very nice. I highly recommend her and the clinic. Thank you, Dr. Lukyanova, for the good care."
Anja R.
"We had a great experience with Dr. Anna Lukyanova, a super nice and competent team. A beautiful result without pain and all-round care. You are in good hands with Dr. Anna Lukyanova. My boyfriend and I are more than satisfied with the results! We will be back!"
Sezan T.
"I am overjoyed to have found Dr. in this practice. The team is extremely professional and empathetic. After a confidential consultation, she performed an excellent browlift operation. I am very impressed by her skill. The care before and after the surgery is first class, I feel comfortable and the results are fantastic. For me, she is the top beauty practice in Düsseldorf."
Pelin J.
"I am very satisfied, I got a breast lift with implants. What can I say, I was absolutely thrilled right from the consultation. Before the operation and after the operation I was always able to ask questions and everything was answered immediately. The result is just great, I am 100% satisfied."
Cindy E.

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